Illustration of teen meditating for mindfulness classes to reduce stress and improve well-being

Mindfulness Classes
for Teen Stress

Reduce anxiety and increase well-being.

For Teens Ages 14-15 & 16-18

Anxiety and distress in teens have reached an all-time high.

Owing to a variety of factors, including academic pressures, alarming societal news, the impact of social media, and the lingering effects of pandemic-induced isolation.

The good news is that psychology has developed effective ways to reduce anxiety and distress and increase positive coping and wellbeing through mindfulness and mindfulness-based psychology approaches. 

Curious about whether Mindfulness classes are the right fit for your teenager? Discover more about my classes and the benefits of Mindfulness by clicking the 'Request Information' button below. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or would like further information.

Group of diverse teenagers smiling and posing during mindfulness stress relief program
Red flower icon symbolizing mindfulness benefits


Mindfulness training can have the following benefits:

White flower icon with green stem representing mindfulness benefits

Reduced Stress and Anxiety Levels

Decreasing symptoms of stress and anxiety and promoting a greater sense of calm and overall well-being. Helps in managing the pressures of school and social life.

Increased Self-Awareness

Increasing understanding of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to a greater sense of self confidence, inner strength, and emotional health.

Improved Focus & Concentration

Increasing attention, focus, and concentration skills, thereby improving promoting greater cognitive functioning. Helps academic performance as well as attention skills in everyday life.

Improved Communication Skills

Decreasing distress and increasing self-esteem, as well as empathy, resulting in improved social interaction skills. Helps foster more positive and supportive relationships with peers and family.

Enhanced Emotional Coping

Improving the ability to deal with difficult and painful emotions using mindful awareness, cognitive-behavioral, and self-compassion skills, leading to reduced distress and increased emotion regulation (inner calm).

Enhanced Resilience and Well-being

Equipping with valuable skills that increase resilience and improve the ability to navigate challenges and setbacks with greater adaptability and well-being.

Yellow flower icon for mindfulness benefits section


Mindfulness for Teen Stress

Welcome to Mindfulness for Teen Stress, a six-week online group class to reduce anxiety and increase well-being.

Based on the highly researched MBCT and MBSR-T (teen) programs, that have been shown to be effective in reducing distress and increasing inner calm.

Why Mindfulness?

Mindfulness teaches us how to relate to our thoughts and emotions with gentle awareness and compassion in ways that help us deal more effectively with anxiety, stress, and difficult emotions.

This program offers separate groups tailored for teens aged 14–15 and 16–18, ensuring age-appropriate support and connection.

Who Can Benefit?

This program is geared to any teen between the ages of 14-18, especially ones feeling overly stressed and anxious.

Program Details:

  • Duration: Six weeks

  • Session Length: 1.5 hours per week

  • Formats: Online via Zoom & In-Person in Manassas, VA 20110.

  • Easy Access: Participants will receive clear instructions on how to join each session.

  • Secure your spot with a $50 deposit today; pay the remaining balance by the first class.


Want to know more?

Contact me or register your interest to receive information about upcoming classes and learn how mindfulness can transform your life.